Engineering Software
Monthly Special Offers -- Software
Engineering Software is pleased to announce that both 32 bit software and spreadsheet applications of the Engineering Software product lines are offered to you at a discount rate of 35%!
Every month, a limited number of copies will be made available to the Visitors of the Engineering Software Web Site -- one 32 bit software application and one spreadsheet application per Engineering Software web site visitor a month.
The Monthly Special Offers are only good if you place your order through the Engineering Software web site -- please fill out an Engineering Software e-Form and click on the Submit button when you are done or go through PayPal at: PayPal.Me!
Please note, once you place your order with Engineering Software, payment information -- an electronic invoice -- will be e-mailed to you and the PayPal (PayPal.Me) service will be used to make the payment.
Upon successful payment, a copy of the software application or spreadsheet application will be either e-mailed to you and/or a URL will be provided to you for a limited amount of time, where one can download a copy of the software application or spreadsheet application!
Please note, the Monthly Special Offers sales are final and there is no refund -- limit one copy of the so9ftware application and/or one copy of the spreadsheet application per Engineering Software web site visitor!
For the month of January, Engineering Software is pleased to make a limited number of copies of the following applications available:​
Power and Propulsion Systems Analysis 1.1 -- Version A at the price of 9$7.49
Power and Propulsion Systems Analysis Spreadsheet 1.1 at the price of $9.75