Engineering Software
Monthly Quizzes
Engineering Software is pleased to announce the introduction of free short energy conversion quizzes.
Here is a free short energy conversion quiz for the month of February -- when you are ready, take the free short energy conversion quiz for the month of February:
What is the kappa value for argon?
a) The argon kappa value is: 1.66 [/].
b) The argon kappa value is: 1.67 [/].
c) The argon kappa value is: 1.32 [/].
d) The argon kappa value is: 1.4 [/].
What is the gas constant value for argon?
a) The argon gas constant value is: 280.1 [J/kg*K].
b) The argon gas constant value is: 286.7 [J/kg*K].
c) The argon gas constant value is: 2,078.5 [J/kg*K].
d) The argon gas constant value is: 296.9 [J/kg*K].
What is the specific heat value for argon in [J/kg*K]?
a) The argon specific heat value is: 2,092 [J/kg*K].
b) The argon specific heat value is: 2,223 [J/kg*K].
c) The argon specific heat value is: 1,004 [J/kg*K].
d) The argon specific heat value is: 519 [J/kg*K].
What is the ideal Brayton Cycle efficiency dependent on?
a) The ideal Brayton Cycle efficiency is dependent on the compression ratio.
b) The ideal Brayton Cycle efficiency is dependent on the compression ratio and working fluid physical properties.
c) The ideal Brayton Cycle efficiency is dependent on the working fluid physical properties.
d) None of the above.
For the ideal Brayton Cycle, how does an increase in the working fluid mass flow rate for the fixed gas turbine inlet temperature
and compression ratio values impact the power output?
a) As the working fluid mass flow rate increases, the Brayton Cycle power output decreases accordingly.
b) As the working fluid mass flow rate increases, first the Brayton Cycle power output increases accordingly and then it
c) As the working fluid mass flow rate increases, the Brayton Cycle power output increases accordingly.
d) The working fluid mass flow rate change has no impact on the power output.
Please note that early next month, March, Engineering Software will post the correct answers to the above free short energy conversion quiz questions for the month of February!
For the month of January, free short energy conversion quiz correct answers are as follows:
What is the molecular weight value for carbon?
The carbon molecular weight value is: 12 [kg/kmol].
What is the carbon higher heating value?
The carbon higher heating value is approximately 14,100 [Btu/lbm].
When carbon reacts with standard air, what is the stoichiometric oxidant to fuel ratio value?
Carbon stoichiometric oxidant to fuel ratio value is: 11.444 [/].
When carbon reacts with standard air, what is the combustion products flame temperature [K]?
The combustion products flame temperature is: 2,460 [K].
What is the carbon enthaply at standard reference conditions where the temperature is 298 [K] and the pressure is 1 [atm]?
The carbon enthalpy is: 0 [kJ/kg*K].