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Software Demo

Engineering Software provides you with only one option when downloading your free demo/evaluation copy of Energy Conversion 1.1 (32 Bit). 

Energy Conversion 1.1 - Demo Version Hosted by Microsoft (Download Your Own Copy)

In order to install your copy of the demo/evaluation version of Energy Conversion 1.1, you have to download one (1) file, engware16-7d.exe (~1 MB). This file is zipped down and it is a self extracting. Therefore, once you have it downloaded to your hard drive, by clicking twice on the engware16-7d.exe file, it will get unzipped and get the application files installed on your computer.  By clicking twice on the EDEMO.accdb, the demo version gets running!

Hardware Requirements and Software Compatibility: 
For 32 Bit Applications:  486 and higher microprocessor, 500 MB RAM, 5 MB hard drive, Microsoft® Windows 7®, Windows 8®, Windows 8.1® and Windows 10®


Note:  Required Microsoft® Office 2016® (Microsoft® Access 2016®)! 

If you do not have a copy of Microsoft Office 2016 installed on your PC, here is a free copy of Microsoft Access 2016 Engine (it requires ~ 210 MB of hard drive space) that you can install on your PC in order to run Engineering Software Microsoft Access 2016 applications!

For 32 Bit Applications data save, delete, sort and export capabilities are available! 

Engineering Software Windows (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10) based applications are optimized for the screen resolution of 1,280 x 1,024 pixels! 

Some of the Engineering Software products come with A, B and C versions, where A, B and C stand for Professional, Standard and Light versions! 

Energy Conversion 1.1 - Demo Version Fully Functional Options 

When running your free demo/evaluation copy, only the following options are fully functional where applicable: 
Thermodynamic and Transport Properties:  Enthalpy and Pressure
Power Cycles:  Brayton:  Power
Power Cycle Components/Processes:  Compression
Power Cycle Components/Processes:  Combustion:  Coal/Oil
Compressible Flow:  Normal Shock
Compressible Flow:  Thrust 

Disclaimer of Warranty 

The material and software (including demos) at the Engineering Software web site are provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.  The entire risk as to the quality and performance of this material and software (including demos) is assumed by the user.  In no event will Engineering Software be liable to the user for any lost profits or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the Engineering Software material and software (including demos), even if Engineering Software has been advised as to the possibility of such damages. 

If you have any questions or for some reason you are not quite successful in downloading and installing your copy, feel free to contact Engineering Software -- fill out an Engineering Software e-Form and click on the Submit button when you are done!

Engineering Software

P.O. Box 2134

Kensington, MD 20891

Phone:  (301) 919-9670


Copyright © 1996

Last Update:  February, 2025

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