Engineering Software
Energy Conversion Calculators
This section provides free e-solutions (HTML/JavaScript based calculators).
The following calculators are available:
Physical Properties -- individual single species physical properties calculator choices include all three (3) input values options (TP, HP and SP)
Carbon, Hydrogen, Sulfur, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Water, Methane, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, Sulfur Dioxide, Air, Ammonia, Argon and Helium
Steam Approximations
Carnot, Brayton (Power), Brayton (Propulsion), Otto, Diesel, Magnetohydrodynamics and Fuel Cell
Power Cycle Components/Processes
Compression, Combustion -- Coal/Oil, Combustion -- Gas, Combustion -- Coal/Oil + Gas, Combustion -- Hydrogen, Ammonia, Argon and Helium, Combustion Products Enthalpy Value, Combustion Products Heat Transfer, Expansion, Mixing -- Temperature, Mixing -- Kappa, Mixing -- Gas Constant, Mixing -- Specific Heat, Heat Transfer, 2H2 + O2 = 2H2O, 2H2O = 2H2 + O2, 3H2 + N2 = 2NH3 and 2NH3 = 3H2 + N2
Compressible Flow
Velocity of Sound, Mach Number, Static Properties, Stagnation Properties, Nozzle, Normal Shock, Diffuser and Thrust
Ideal Gas State Equation, Working Fluid Mass Flow Rate, Stoichiometric Combustion -- Oxidant to Fuel Ratio, Combustion Products Composition, Fuel HHV, Heat Exchanger, Air Conditioning, Heat Pump, Force and Torque
Perfect Gas Physical Properties
Kappa and Gas Constant
Power Cycle Efficiency and Heat Rate
Carnot, Brayton, Otto, Diesel, Propulsion. Air Conditioning, Heat Pump and Heat Rate
Dimensionless Ratio Values
Temperature, Pressure and Volume -- Isentropic Compression, Expansion and Compressible Flow
Unit Conversion
Mass, Density, Force, Length, Velocity, Temperature, Pressure, Area, Volume, Specific Volume, Energy, Work, Heat, Specific Energy, Specific Work, Specific Entropy, Specific Heat, Gas Constant and Power
Expression Evaluator, Powers -- A, Powers -- B, Roots, Geometry and Distribution (Composition) and Summation